Analiza potrzeb zakupowych oraz planowanie zamówień, Negocjowanie warunków współpracy z dostawcami, Monitorowanie rynku i poszukiwanie nowych źródeł zaopatrzenia, Współpraca z działem produkcji, by zapewnić ciągłość dostaw, Kontrola jakości...
Praca: Procurement Specialist

Job Tasks:
- Analyzing procurement needs and planning orders.
- Negotiating terms of cooperation with suppliers.
- Monitoring the supplier market and seeking new sources of supply.
- Collaborating with the production department to ensure continuity of supply.
- Controlling the quality of delivered materials and raw materials.
- Optimizing procurement costs and implementing cost-saving strategies
- Higher education, preferred fields: logistics, management, economics
- Experience in a similar position in a manufacturing company - automotive
- Knowledge of procurement processes and negotiation skills
- Fluent knowledge of English
- Ability to work in a team and excellent communication skills.
- Ability to work under pressure and stress resistance.
- Practical problem-solving skills
- Independence in action and high motivation to work
- Communicativeness and ability to work in a team
- Good time management skills
- Attractive salary commensurate with experience and qualifications
- Active participation in the development of a Korean manufacturing company – greenfield project
- Opportunities for professional development and promotion within the company structure
- Work in a dynamic and friendly team
- Training and support in enhancing qualifications
- Benefits package